Wedding Rehearsals-What’s the Point of a Wedding Rehearsal?

When it comes to doing wedding rehearsals, there are a few things that you have to know. First of all, the groom’s family are the ones that pay for the wedding dinner rehearsals. They may not pay for anything else, but that is what they are suppose to pay for. Second of all, their will need to be some speeches given. Did your heart just stop? Standing up in front of people talking is the number one fear in America.

People are more afraid to talk to people than they are of death! However, this does not have to be the case. Today we are going to talk about wedding rehearsal dinner speeches and how you can write one without any problems.
First of all, you have to note that it is not hard to write one of these speeches. In fact, once you sit down to write it, things are just going to come pouring out. That is the way that writing works. However, to make it just that much easier on you, we are going to go over a few things that you need to include in wedding rehearsal dinner speeches.
First of all, make sure you introduce yourself. Remember that not everyone is going to know who you are. Next you can move on to talking about how pleased you are that everyone could make it to the dinner, whether you really are happy to see everyone or not, and then say how happy you are that the bride and the groom found each other. Those are pretty much the main things that you need to include in wedding rehearsal dinner speeches.

Wedding Rehearsals

However, you could keep a few of these tips in mind as well. Remember that the rehearsal dinners are informal. They are just a way to go over the final seating arrangements before the big day. So just relax when it comes to wedding rehearsals. Second of all, time your speech. People love to hear speeches, but they love to hear short ones all the more. Try to keep your speech no longer than 4 minutes at the most. You should also practice your speech often before you give it. No one likes to hear someone stumbling over their own words during a speech. Also, try your best to make the speech sound natural; do not make it sound like you are just reading from a card.

What’s the point of a wedding rehearsal?

Wedding dinner rehearsals normally have speeches that are given by more than one person. If you are one of the people giving a speech and you have to follow what someone else just said, try to open up with a quote. This is always a great way to start off a speech. For example, you could say something like: marriage is the foundation for the rest of your life. However, if you would like to add in something funny, you could say: the only difference between having a great marriage and a mediocre one is leaving a few tiny things unsaid everyday. Just remember, when you start off with a joke like that, you do need to end on a happy note.

At the end, when you are ending your speech, it’s always best to end with blessings. People like this, whether you like to give blessings or not! Saying things like, may both of you live as long as you want and never “want” as long as you live, could be a good closing line. You could even go with something that takes a second to think about, like: “May you be poor…in misfortune, may you be rich… in blessings, and may you be slow to make enemies and quick to make great friends.”
These kinds of speeches are not hard to come up with. In fact, you can normally find great sayings like the ones that we just talked about online. Although it is never a good idea to quote anything word for word, it can help spark your own imaginations.

You could even take great sayings and reword them a bit. Just remember that all speeches seem to be a bit better when you can add a little personal touch in there. When you can do that, then people know that your speech came from the heart, and that is what is really important to most people
Do keep in mind that you do not have to give a speech if you do not want to. If you think that it’s a fear that you can not get over, then do not push yourself to do it. There are a ton of people that would love to give speeches at weddings and would kill to have your spot. So if you want to pass it on to someone else, then you should have no problems finding someone else to take the honor. This could be great news for someone who just does not think that they can stand up and give a speech without breaking down.

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