Destination Wedding Packing Tips

Packing for your romantic getaway should be simple. With a little advance preparation and thought, you’ll be ready to go. Below, I’m outlining some guidelines that have helped me over the years and should help make your trip more enjoyable:

Do your homework. Compile a notebook of sites, restaurants, tours and special places pertinent to your honeymoon destination.

Packing Tips

Pack LIGHT. Most people do not use 1/2 of what they pack and end up over-packing. Lugging around a huge suitcase is not romantic and does not allow you to enjoy your trip to its fullest. Choose clothes you can mix and match. No one is going to know (nor care) if you’ve worn the same outfit twice in one week! No matter where you’re going or what climate, always make sure you pack one outfit that can be dressed up and a bathing suit (yes, even if you’re going to the North Pole).

Pack an excellent daypack that can hold maps, a guidebook, camera, light toiletries, first aid kit, wallet and a bottle of water while you are sightseeing.

packing tips

Take most of your money in traveler’s checks for increased security. Don’t forget credit cards and cash. Smart travelers always make a list of credit cards and traveler’s check numbers and keep a photocopy in a separate place or leave a copy with friends/family at home. If you are traveling to a different country, get some of that country’s currency in advance so it’s one less thing to do when arriving. For currency exchange rates and to buy currency visit Make sure to check the daily rates so that you exchange your money at the best rate. Carry names, addresses and phone numbers of friends/family at home for an emergency and leave them a copy of your itinerary.

Consider the climate of where you’re going. For more detailed packing tips & suggestions on the following types of honeymoons, click on the type: Tropical Honeymoons, Mountain Honeymoons, International Honeymoons, Cruises, etc.

Natural supplements such as No Jet Lag tablets, drinking plenty of water and setting your watch to the local time of your destination while en route greatly reduce the affects of jet lag and allow you to be more rested when you arrive.

If traveling abroad, make sure your passports are current. If not, allow enough time to process your application. Make photocopies of your passport: give copies to a close friend or relative at home with a copy of your detailed itinerary. Keep several photocopies of both yours and your spouse’s passport in an area other than your purses or wallet (like your suitcases). That way, if your passports get stolen, you’ll have backup photocopies on you, or worst-case scenario, your relative from home can fax you the copy you gave them prior to leaving. If hotels ask for your passports, they may look at them, but they may not keep them. They belong to the U.S. government and are not to be kept by anyone but you or United States authorities. Hand them a photocopy of your passport or allow them to photocopy it, but do not let them keep it overnight or for any period of time under any circumstances.

Make copies of your marriage license. If you are a woman who has changed your name and this change is not reflected on your legal documents (i.e. driver’s license, passport, airline tickets, etc), travel under your maiden name. Keep a copy of your marriage license to prove you’re married, but as far as reservations, travel under your maiden name until ALL documents reflect your new married name. With heightened travel security nation and world-wide, agents are cracking down harder than ever on names that do not match travel documents and reservations and no exceptions will be made.

Don’t forget emergency items such as mini sewing kit, first aid kit, travel laundry detergent, stain remover, extra batteries, etc.

Roll, don’t fold. This takes up less space. You can also purchase special bags that compress clothing and press out all the air, thus giving you more packing space.

Security pouches are a must no matter if traveling domestically or abroad. These pouches are practically paper-thin and are worn under your clothes. They are made either to go around your waist, your leg or your neck. The idea is to keep your most secure documents and extra cash that you will not be accessing regularly tucked in an area that no pickpocket or mugger could reach. Magellan’s travel store has now designed a waterproof security pouch that is worn like a fanny-sack and goes in with you when you snorkel or swim, keeping all your most important valuables on your body and not left vulnerably on the beach.

Consider attaching not only your name on the tag of your baggage (make sure it matches your airline ticket names).

Due to heightened security, airlines are checking to make sure passenger’s baggage matches those passengers on the plane), but also a copy of your itinerary tucked in with your nametag. This way, if your luggage gets lost, the itinerary can be examined and your luggage will be sent to you wherever you are on your trip.

packing tips

Mark your luggage with a distinguishing ribbon or tag. 90% of all bags are now black. Tie on a colored ribbon or wrap a special colored luggage wrap around your bags to set you apart. Pack plenty of film and check your camera’s battery. Yes, you can buy more if you run out, but if you’re traveling, chances are you’ll be in touristy areas and film, batteries and other necessities can be more expensive.

New security scanners can alter film in your checked luggage. Use a special x-ray – proof camera bag for all checked luggage.

Contact the Bureau of Consular Affairs for travel advisories or visit: on the Internet.

Immunizations. Find out what necessary immunizations you may need for your honeymoon destination. Helpful information on specific locations and general travel can be found at

Pack along romantic extrasbring massage oils, favorite lotions, travel candles (yes they even make these now) special lingerie and a little surprise for your spouse to leave on his/her pillow on your first night. Be creative and have fun!

Purchase a collapsible tote bag to keep in your suitcase. You’ll have an extra bag for your trip home in which to put extra souvenirs from your trip, or you can mail them home. Inflatable pillows save room by collapsing but provide much-needed head and neck support on long flights and journeys.

Almost anywhere you go, people love honeymooners. Before you arrive at your destination and when you check in, let the staff know you are honeymooners. You may find a few unexpected surprises.

Ask about honeymoon package deals. They often include complimentary upgraded accommodations, champagne, special check in / check out privileges and more.

If traveling by air, pay for airline tickets with a credit card, not a check or cash. Remember to check in early, even though you may already have boarding passes from your travel agent. Often boarding passes given by the travel agents are different and can delay the check-in process or worse, delay your entire trip.

When requesting seat assignments, remember that the seats in the emergency exit row and behind the bulkhead have the most legroom. A seating assignment is not guaranteed. Also, children, overweight persons and disabled persons will not be assigned emergency exit row seats. Use a travel agent who specializes in romantic travel, honeymoons and destination weddings.

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