Eco -Friendly Wedding

Though it has been said the Princess Di’s lavish and extravagant wedding to Prince Charles in 1981 launched the extremely prolific wedding industry that followed over the past few decades, the current culture of brides and grooms seem a bit more aware of their carbon footprint.

While magazines and newspapers still dutifully cover every aspect of wedding planning and execution, many smaller zines and web sites are covering the eco-friendly weddings side. After all, at the end of the day it’s truly about the marriage, not the wedding, right? With that in mind, we want to look at how brides and grooms have consciously considered their impact while planning their nuptials.

eco friendly tips

Weddings begin, of course, with sending invitations in the mail. While most guests are still alerted via snail mail, many esteemed graphic designers have created e-cards, save-the-dates, and invitations that rival the most beautifully letter-pressed cards out there. Yes, you lose the physical object to hold in your hand and pin up on your refrigerator, but off the bat you cut down costs dramatically by keeping the invitations electronic, while also reducing paper waste.

Recently married San Francisco couple Robin and Clarke  chose a hybrid, using Paperless Post for their save-the-date, and foregoing the multiple inserts that usually come along with the wedding invitation.

eco friendly wedding invitation

Also a DIY-er hobbyist, Robin selected fabric for her table runners and sewed them herself: “we’re currently using the table runners in my house! We’ve also have gifted a few of them, and I’m planning to re-use some of the fabric to make bags/coasters and other stuff too.” This often-overlooked aspect of interior design for the wedding became extremely resourceful and meaningful with just a few personal touches.

Robin and Clarke were also able to gift the orchids they used for each table, in lieu of cut flowers, to local guests. The trees used to flank the couple during the ceremony are also now living in their apartment.

eco friendly wedding ideas

A few others ways keep your wedding eco-friendly:

* Not having a wedding party? Skip the program; use a chalkboard at the entrance to the ceremony to identify key people/family members, readers

* If you are having a wedding party, go with eco-friendly bridesmaid gifts

* Work with what you’ve got! Use household items, furniture, and treasures for Green Wedding décor and natural items – rocks, large thick leaves, sticks, dried flowers, or tree stumps in lieu of place cards or seating.

* Avoid paper items – use linens instead of cocktails napkins. Forget about disposable coasters, matchbooks, or paper napkins in the bathroom.

* Choose recycled gold for wedding bands, and either antique jewelry or conflict-free jewels.

Remember, less is often more. What matters is the pledge and promise being made between two people in front of family and close friends.

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