Green Weddings

Just because it’s your special day does not mean that you have to forget about the environment. That is why today we are going to talk about ways to have green weddings, also called eco friendly weddings. We are going to talk about ways that you can make your wedding pretty but still eco friendly. Following the below tips, not only makes you feel better, but it makes the planet feel better.

First of all, before we get into the environmental friendly weddings, you need to give yourself a big old pat on the back that you even care enough about the environment to take a look at these tips. It’s people like you that can help to turn this dying planet around. That being said, let’s get to the good stuff!

 Green Weddings Ideas

When it comes to green weddings, you need to use candles that are in containers that are recycled glass. Most of the time the candles inside the recycled glass are 100% soy candles. Not only are these soy candles better for you, but they are better for the earth. Have you ever seen that black stuff that builds up on the side of candles after the have been burning (the black stuff on the side of the glass)? Yeah, that’s not good, and you are breathing that in. These are chemicals that most candles use, but soy candles are 100% all natural and good for you.

 When it comes to catering, consider only companies that use only local sources for ingredients to make the food. Also, it’s a good idea to make sure that they use certified sustainable recourse for both chicken and fish. This is another small way that you can give back to the earth and take part in green weddings.

For green wedding favors, try to give out some organic chocolates. You should give these out instead of the Jordan almonds that are so popular.  There are a ton of online stores that give great lists of candies that are natural. This means that they are good for you and good for the earth, and that is what eco friendly weddings are all about.

When it comes to getting dresses for the bridesmaids and the flower girl, make sure that you only buy dresses that have been dyed in vegetable dyes. Most of the time these dresses start as low as $700, which is not bad for a wedding dress. They also come in a lot of different styles and colors, so you will not have to give up on style just to be earth friendly.

Now, for environmental friendly weddings, you need to send out invitations that are 100% cotton paper. These are normally dyed with vegetable oils as well. Since they are made on recycled paper, you can bet that it is good for the environment. In fact, there are tons of online sites that do offer invitations that are made from recycled things.

Another good thing to do for your wedding is to use potted plants and not flower arrangements. Flowers that are done in flower arrangements have been cut down and they will die. However, flowers that have been potted can go on living after they have fulfilled their job at  a wedding. This is actually something that a lot of people do not think about. However, cutting down any kind of plant is not good, whether it’s just a flower or not.

For rings, if you can, try to use rings that have been handed down through the family for years. If you can not, then try to buy vintage or antique rings. This is better than buying new jewelry that has to be made from mining the earth. Once everything is mind up, then there will be no more of these jewels left. So we should use the jewels and rings that have already been made.

For a honeymoon, you can try to book trips through companies that have teamed up with partners like the World Wildlife Fund. This way you are giving back a little bit to the animals on your special day.

As you can see, doing something nice for the environment is a lot of fun. Although a lot of people do not think about doing this kind of stuff at the start, the truth of the matter is that it will make them feel better about themselves if they do. People love to do things for the planet, whether they admit it or not. It’s time for you to do your part by helping to do things that are better for the environment. Nothing is nicer than having a great wedding and being able to give a little something back. In the end, not only will you feel better about yourself, but you may have inspired others to take part in these kinds of weddings as well, thus, starting a great chain reaction.

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